Early Spring Tulips 2018

‘April rains bring in May flowers’ is a common saying in Canada. This year, tulips sprouted as the days warmed up in April, but we had two snowfalls thereafter. Many plants either died or did not grow properly, but we still boast of the best Tulip Garden in Town.

Tulips Originated in Persia and Turkey and were brought to Europe in the 16th century.

Cultivated varieties, referred to as ‘Dutch tulips,’ originated in the Netherlands.

They got their common name from the Turkish word for gauze (with which turbans were wrapped) – reflecting the turban-like appearance of a tulip in full bloom.

Yellow tulips symbolises cheerful thoughts.

The brightly colored, upright flowers may be single or double, and vary in shape from simple cups, bowls, and goblets to more complex forms.

Tulips typically bear cup-shaped flowers in almost every shade but true blue. They can be double or single, fringed or twisted, perfumed or non-scented.

Purple symbolises royalty.

The eleventh wedding anniversary flower is also tulip. It conveys forgiveness.
These are different shades of Red Tulips in our garden. Red tulips are most strongly associated with true love.

Tulips are spring flowers and it arrival signals the coming of a new season. Most tulips have six petals, but some can have many more.

Some of the Tulips are still blooming – may be due to the late setting in of spring.

Red tulips are the hue of choice to express that you are deeply in love. The color red evokes passion and romance.

They are gone in two weeks – and that’s the saddest part.


Gardening for Fun & Happiness

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him,  God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.‘  (Genesis 1:27, 28)

God gave man the right to rule over everything on earth.  It must not translate into exploitation of nature, but being fruitful.  It is all about the power of creativity that God blessed us humans with.  It exhorts all humans to be part of creation and one of the best way to execute God’s command would be to tend to your garden.  It may be a few indoor pots, a small home-garden or your farm.

May 03 is Garden Meditation Day. This is a day to take some time out for yourself to relax and meditate or the least, visit a garden if you do not own one.  It is the time to get on to hands-on work, like digging in the garden, planting seeds, pruning plants and so on.  It can actually be a form of meditating.

Research has proved that that when we become involved in physical activities that involve creativity, planning, problem-solving, physical labour, it reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.  It can also be a good exercise for weight-loss.  The act of tending to your garden, planting saplings, de-weeding, will always make you feel better and also give you the power to be part of creation and being close to mother nature.

A mere look at your garden or plants can generate a lot of emotional changes which will surely have a positive effect on your blood pressure, heart activity, muscle tension, and neural activity.  It will surely calm your nerves, soothe your emotions and provide lot of happiness.

Today, we have literally taken the God’s word of ‘ruling over the earth.’  Gardening is the best way to ‘go green’ and support mother nature.  A well kept garden, why even a few indoor plants will surely impact the quality of air at your home.  It helps keep the house warm in winters and cool in summers, thus reducing carbon imprint and also save a few bucks.

A vegetable garden in your backyard will provide you with fresh and good quality vegetables.  In case you resort to organic farming – without use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides – you will have a regular bountiful harvest of organic vegetables.

One summer morning, as I was tending to the roses in the garden, an octogenarian stopped his car and came out to compliment me on the excellent garden.  He said “your work has improved the property value of your home by a hundred thousand dollars and your neighbour’s by at least fifty thousand.  I retired from being a real-estate agent for over forty years and this I can vouch for from my experience.

A garden or a landscaping is an investment for the future.  A well manicured lawn, well kept flowerbeds, well pruned trees – all add ‘curb-appeal’ of your home.  It is a sure shot recipe to sell your home faster.

Gardening and landscaping is truly becoming an art form. Planning, planting and watching your own garden grow can fill you  with satisfaction and pride. Gardening is truly a life-time hobby. The more you learn the more proficient you get and the possibilities become endless.  It is all about taking the first step, getting your hands dirty and your shoes soiled.  As time pass by, you will surely enjoy it – especially post-retirement.

So what’s stopping you from starting your own garden and landscape design or even get some indoor plants?