Daffodils and Hyacinths : 2024

Daffodils, also known by their botanical name Narcissus, are the first flowers to bloom in our garden. The name originates from the Latin word affodill which comes from the Greek word asphodelus, which refers to a genus of flowers that emerge from fleshy rhizomes. It is believed that the Dutch put de, meaning the, in front of the word affodill, which eventually led to the name Daffodil.

Daffodils symbolise rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck. This symbolism could be because daffodils emerge first every spring to light up barren landscapes with their cheerful yellow, orange, and white flowers.

The centre of a Daffodil is a crown-like structure called a trumpet and is also known a Corona! 

Daffodils are the official tenth wedding anniversary flower. Chinese believe that if the Daffodils bloom for the Chinese New Year, it will bring luck to the whole household.

The Hyacinth bloom early spring accompanying the Daffodils and is a member of the asparagus family.

According Greek mythology legend, a young Hyacinth was killed when Apollo and Zephyrus were fighting over his affections. It is said hyacinths sprung up from his spilled blood.

The Hyacinth flower symbolises sport or play. Different coloured hyacinths carry different meanings. The blue Hyacinth signifies sincerity.

Pink hyacinths mean ‘playful joy’ while the purple flowers symbolise deep regret and white represents love and prayer.

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